In October 2018 speechkaraoke.org is proud to host the very first Noble Speech Prize Award Ceremony in Helsinki. The Award will celebrate an eventful decade splattered with glorious and gory moments of the spoken word. The audience can expect an evening of great speeches, true emotions, and funny moments.

Prior to the Award Ceremony a global audience will be able to nominate speeches in 6 categories from July 1 to September 1, 2018. A renowned jury will then choose from a shortlist the 3 final candidates and the winning speech for each category.

Speeches can be nominated in the following categories: Noble Speech (Main Prize), The Greatest Lie, Big Dada, True Emotions, Thank You – Fuck You,  I am sorry. Please submit any speech with this form.

The Award Ceremony will take place on October 13 in National Theatres Lavaklubi in Helsinki, the home turf of speechkaraoke. The ceremony will be super relaxed with legendary karaoke host Julius Valve guiding through the evening. Each of the shortlisted speeches will be added to the speechkaraoke system and will be performed by the audience and invited guests – a colorful mix of artists, actors, politicians, activists and farmers.

This evening celebrates humanities ability to speak out and to speak up, to use words to empower people to reach for their most noble goals, to touch us and move us to tears. But the NOBLE SPEECH PRIZE Award will not shy away from the ugly and the stupid and the silly. Even with the most noble goals in mind, spoken words can have unintentional consequences more often than not resulting in moments of silliness and awkwardness, moments we want to cherish as well. There is noblesse in human failure too. But what about the ugly? On a daily base words are spoken in order to shock, to hurt, to corrupt, to despise, to hate, to manipulate. We will face those words with speechkaraokes unique ability to dissect and parody those words in order to turn them against themselfes.