Mark Zuckerberg – I’m Sorry for data misuse Image: Maurizio Pesce (CC BY)
Michael Horn – Volkswagen Diesel Scandal Aplogy
Michael Horn – Volkswagen Diesel Scandal Apology Image: C-SPAN
Amber Heard and Johnny Depp – Dog Smuggling Apology
Amber Heard escapes a prison sentence for sneaking two dogs into Australia after releasing a bizarre apology Image: gdcgraphics (CC BY-SA)
Juha Hurme – Anteeksi pyyntö ministeri Sampo Terholle
Juha Hurme – Anteeksi pyyntö ministeri Sampo Terholle Image: Tuomo Lindfors (CC BY-NC-SA)
Boy Scouts Chief Apologizes for Trump’s Speech
The head of the Boy Scouts of America, Michael Surbaugh, apologized to the organization’s members about President Trump’s speech to the National Jamboree. image by Ashrkfn (CC BY-SA)
Tony Hayward apologizes for his apology
BP CEO Tony Hayward apologizes for his statement: “I’d Like My Life Back” he made in relation to the Deep Water Horizon disaster. Photo by thierry ehrmann (CC-BY)
Durex apologises to Singaporeans
Durex apologiezes to Singaporeans for the companies share in the declining birthrate of the island nation. image by Su–May
Pope begs forgiveness for abuse scandals
Pope Francis has made a powerful and emotional plea for forgiveness in front of hundreds of thousands of people in Dublin at the closing event of a fraught two-day trip to Ireland which has been dominated by the issue of sexual and institutional abuse. image source (photo by Jeon Han) (CC-BY)
Bill Clinton – Sorry
Bill Clinton says: Sorry – I did have sex.